Cipro Otic drops Quinolone Composition : Each 1 ml contains : Ciprofloxacin HCl 3. 5 mg. Properties : Cipro otic drops contain ciprofloxacin which is one of newer quinolone compounds. Ciprofloxacin contains fluorine molecule provides increased potency against Gram - negative organisms and broaden the spectrum to include Gram- positive organisms , it also contains the piperazine moiety which is responsible for its antipseudomonal activity . Cipro otic drops has bactericidal effect and interferes with the enzyme DNA gyrase needed for the synthesis of bacterial DNA . Indications & usage: For treating of superficial infections involving the external auditory canal . Contra-indications : Hypersensitivity to ciprofloxacin . Side effect : Signs of local irritation may be occurred . Warnings & precautions : Super-infection may result in bacterial or fungal overgrowth of non susceptible organisms specially in case of prolonged or repeated therapy . Dosage & administration : 1-2 drops to be instilled into the ear . Packing : Bottle of 10 ml . Storage : Store below 30 oc . |