Rehydro-Zinc Sachets Oral rehydration salts Composition : Each sachet (3.814 gm ) contains :- Dextrose anhydrous 2.519 gm Trisodium citrate anhydrous 0.516 gm Sodium chloride 0.468 gm Potassium chloride 0.2999 gm Zinc acetate anhydrous 0.011 gm This composition equivalent to : Dextrose (anhydrous ) 70 mmol / liter Citrates 10 mmol / liter Chloride 60 mmol / liter Sodium 70 mmol / liter Potassium 20 mmol / liter Zinc 0.303 mmol / liter ( 20 mg / liter) Total osmolarity 230.303 mmol / liter Properties : Rehydro-Zinc is an effective mixture for oral rehydration. Rehydro-Zinc is effective for all cases of acute dehydration regardless of the etiologies or age of the patients , it is used for prevention and correction of dehydration. Rehydro-Zinc is a true advance in rehydration therapy and its formula contains less sodium with less risk for production of hypernatremia. The presence of zinc in this formula reduces stool output by accelerating water and salt absorption in the intestine. It helps as well in the regeneration of the intestinal mucosa. Indications and usage : 1 - All types of dehydration from diarrhea of any etiology. 2 - Persistant diarrhea. Contra-indications : Gastro-intestinal obstruction . Oliguric or anuric renal failure ( severe renal impairment ) . In severe dehydration ( 10 % or more ) , intractable vomiting , where parenteral rehydration solution is indicated . Side effects : Vomiting can occur after administration of oral rehydration solution , and may be an indication that it was administrated too quickly . If vomiting occurs , administration should be halted for 10 minutes then resumed in smaller , and more frequent amounts . Overdosage of oral rehydration solution in patients with renal failure , may lead to hypernatraemia , and hyperkalaemia . Prolonged administration of high doses, lead to copper deficiency with associated anaemia and neutropenia. Drug interactions : Citrate salts taken orally can enhance the absorption of aluminium from gastrointestinal tract . As Antimuscarinics delay gastric emptying and consequently may increase the risk of gastrointestinal adverse effects in patients receiving oral forms of potassium . The absorption of zinc may be reduced by iron supplement and tetracyclines. Zinc reduces the absorption of copper and fluoroquinolones. Warning and precautions : Oral rehydration solution should be reconstituted only with fresh water and at the volume stated , but freshly boiled and cool water is preferred when the solution is used for infants , and other ingredients such as sugar should not be added . Unused solution should be stored in a refrigerator and discarded within 24 hours of preparation . Oral rehydration solution should be given with extremeŘĄ caution to patients with cardiac diseases , acute dehydration , and with renal insufficiency . Dosage and administration : Dissolve the content of one sachet in 200 ml. of water - For prevention of dehydration : Give 50 ml solution per stool motion. - For treatment of dehydration: Give the solution to the child to drink as much as he or she can and continue breast feeding or normal feed. Packing : Box of 10 sachets. |